Sunday, November 23, 2008

If I had Known I Would Be on TV....

...I would have washed my hair this morning! I usually don't care what I look like when I know I'm going to be spending all day out at the house working. But yesterday I wish I had. A local news reporter came to do a story on our program and choose to interview me. He spend about 20 minutes at our house while we were caulking the bathrooms. He cut out a lot that I said of course, especially the part where I said that we weren't really sure if we would be done for Christmas. They also make it sound like we are just being given this house. No, it will just be a little bit cheaper because we do most of the labor. Dispite the fact that I spelled my name for them they still spelled Curtner with a K. Anyway, I not sure how to post a direct link to he video so if you want to see it go to and scroll down a little bit to a list of featured videos. The title is "EICAP families will be home for the holidays". Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

We're So Excited!

Our house really started to come together today. Our kitchen cabinets are all installed except for one.
Here is the laminate floor that Joseph and 2 friends are installing. They are about 1/3 of the way done. So far it looks great.

This is the vinyl in the bathrooms. There was a mix up at Lowes and yesterday they installed the wrong vinyl. It had a wood floor look to it. It was so ugly I seriously cried. They were really great about it and fixed it first thing this morning.

Here are a couple of shots of the carpet that was installed today. It looks really good!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Jarom's Blessing

Yesterday Jarom had his baby blessing. He was wide awake through the whole thing and he was perfectly calm and happy. We know that he could feel the spirit during the blessing. Afterwards, he quietly drifted off to sleep and slept through the rest of sacrament meeting. It was a wonderful day for our family. It would have been nice to have someone from our extended family there, but we hope this post helps everyone feel like they were there too.