Jarom is 6 months old today. He is now 15 lbs 9 oz and 26 1/4 in long. the doctor was very impressed with how well he is sitting up already. Happy half birthday Jarom!
This is our fence so far. We haven't put the verticle slats on yet. We are going to do that last. We still have a long way to go, our property goes all the way back to the trees you see in the back ground!
On Friday, Jacob was recognized at school at a character counts assembly. He was recognized in front of the whole school for showing fairness. Jacob is a great kid and is always very kind to his classmates and always plays fair. Congratulations Jacob!
Jacob's school put on a patriotic music program. It was really neat to hear the kids all sing "God Bless America" and other songs. We really enjoyed seeing Jacob sing his heart out! Sorry this is such a bad picture but it was really crowed in the gym and it is the best one I took.
I know that Valentine's Day was a while ago. I am finally getting around to blogging the pictures that I have taken over the last few weeks. Nicole won the prize for the prettiest Valentine's Box at school. It's hard to tell from the picture but it is very sparkly. We had a lot of fun making it together!
I promise these won't all be bunny pics. I just have a few that are too
cute not to share.
Mimi Lee and Baby Mabey (Formally known as Mimi and Mabel.)
Dinner with the Banrys
We were able to go to Emalee's bridal shower last weekend and last night we
had dinner with the Banrys at Chipotle (Chelsie's favorite restaurant).
Another Transfer gone
Well, that was a fast transfer. Elder P became assistant at transfer
meeting this week, so that was pretty exciting. He was a fun Elder to be
with, we got...
Meet Benjamin John Smyth
Hello, we just wanted to share some of our joy with you. Yesterday, at 5:31
p.m., Benjamin was born. He weighed in at 7 lbs. 15 oz. and was 20 inches
New Addition
Introducing Dallas!! The newest member of our family. He was given to us by
our good friend Christine and is loved by all. He is definitely the
sweetest ...