Sunday, December 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Nicole!

Nicole is now 10 years old! We got her a Nintendo DS for her birthday. It is of course pink! We gave it to her Saturday Night so she could go pick out a game to go with it. That way she didn't have to wait until after school on Monday before she could play with it, and we really wanted her to choose the game she would like the most. She is very happy even though we didn't have a party this year.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

More progress on the house

Counter tops are in but not quite finished. He still needs to finish the backsplashes. Our bar area has room enough for 6 bar stools. We also had all of our appliances delivered this week. We love our new fridge!
This is the master bath, the main bath looks basically the same.

Our house is the only one that has any counter tops in it so far. We have been having a lot of trouble with the counter top guy. He keeps making promises he doesn't keep. First he said that he would have 3 houses finished before Thanksgiving. Now he has said that all the houses will be finished by the end of Saturday the 6th. He didn't do any work today at all. If we aren't finished by Christmas it will be because of him. There isn't anything left for us to do out there except for a little bit of touch up painting. It is very frustrating to wait on the sub contractors to do their jobs!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

If I had Known I Would Be on TV....

...I would have washed my hair this morning! I usually don't care what I look like when I know I'm going to be spending all day out at the house working. But yesterday I wish I had. A local news reporter came to do a story on our program and choose to interview me. He spend about 20 minutes at our house while we were caulking the bathrooms. He cut out a lot that I said of course, especially the part where I said that we weren't really sure if we would be done for Christmas. They also make it sound like we are just being given this house. No, it will just be a little bit cheaper because we do most of the labor. Dispite the fact that I spelled my name for them they still spelled Curtner with a K. Anyway, I not sure how to post a direct link to he video so if you want to see it go to and scroll down a little bit to a list of featured videos. The title is "EICAP families will be home for the holidays". Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

We're So Excited!

Our house really started to come together today. Our kitchen cabinets are all installed except for one.
Here is the laminate floor that Joseph and 2 friends are installing. They are about 1/3 of the way done. So far it looks great.

This is the vinyl in the bathrooms. There was a mix up at Lowes and yesterday they installed the wrong vinyl. It had a wood floor look to it. It was so ugly I seriously cried. They were really great about it and fixed it first thing this morning.

Here are a couple of shots of the carpet that was installed today. It looks really good!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Jarom's Blessing

Yesterday Jarom had his baby blessing. He was wide awake through the whole thing and he was perfectly calm and happy. We know that he could feel the spirit during the blessing. Afterwards, he quietly drifted off to sleep and slept through the rest of sacrament meeting. It was a wonderful day for our family. It would have been nice to have someone from our extended family there, but we hope this post helps everyone feel like they were there too.

Friday, October 31, 2008


We had a beautiful sunrise this morning so I took a few pictures.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Boo at the Zoo -- A Family Tradition

Every year since moving to Idaho we have enjoyed trick or treating at the zoo in Idaho Falls. Usually at this time of year we are wondering why we spent money on costumes that are covered up by coats, hats, gloves, scarves, wool socks, and everything else you can think of to keep the kids from freezing to death! This year however we are having record high temperatures. It was 75 degrees today! Josh even wore short sleeves last night. It was so much more enjoyable when you're not freezing! The kids love seeing the animals.
They decorated the zoo with hundreds of pumpkins.

Nicole is Hermione Granger.

Jacob is a clone trooper and Josh is of course Thomas the Train!

Jarom is enjoying his first Halloween.

It was just starting to get dark when we were leaving. The lights are beautiful after dark.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

One Month Old

Jarom is now one month old as of yesterday. He is growing so fast. He already weighs 1o pounds! He is the best baby we have ever had!

Carving Pumpkins

Sunday, October 12, 2008


We had our first snow of the season yesterday and today. We got about 3 inches in all. The kids just love it! They made a snow man with sour patch kids and a frozen banana Sara was saving to make banana bread with.

Believe it or not this is Joshua!

Jacob likes to eat the snow, YUCK!

Just some funny looks

Friday, October 10, 2008

Idaho Falls Apartment

I was in Idaho Falls today so I drove by what used to be our first apartment.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Our first Apartment

I was watching the local news tonight when a story came on about an apartment fire in Idaho Falls. To my great astonishment it turned out to be the apartment that Joseph and I lived in for the first 3 months after we were married 12 years ago. From the video it looks like it was totally destroyed. I don't know why anyone but us would find the interesting but I wanted to talk about it anyway. I tried to post the video from the station's web site but I couldn't figure out how to do it. I couldn't even figure out how to copy the link so people could click on it. I'm obviously not very good at this yet!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Baby Germ

Joshua loves his baby brother. He calls him Baby Jarom, However it sounds an awful lot like Baby Germ! Let's hope it doesn't stick as a nickname.


Trim and A Deck!